MRT Global Integrated Server (MGIS)

Connecting data seamlessly

SmartMRT MGIS Track


MGIS (MRT Global Integration Server) is an API designed with the philosophies of Industry 4.0 to integrate SmartMRT System with any ERP, seamlessly. MGIS eliminates the need of human intervention and unnecessary downtime in production. Allowing important production data to be reflected on the SmartMRT system and reports to be retrieved directly from the ERP.

SmartMRT ironing setup

So what can MGIS do?

Eliminate human intervention
and data errors

Remove unnecessary
downtime in production

Retrieve new production data
on SmartMRT lines
from ERP

Real time reports of
SmartMRT lines in ERP

How it works?

[ Pull ] ERP Data

Customer ERP Server

SmartMRT MGIS  Server Computer
Customer ERP Server
SmartMRT MGIS Computer
MGIS Computer
SmartMRT computer monitor
Imported to 1-5 lines



[ Push ] ERP Data

How it works?

[ Pull ] ERP Data


SmartMRT MGIS customer ERP Server

Customer ERP Server

SmartMRT MGIS computer

MGIS Computer

SmartMRT MGIS Computer

Imported to 1-5 lines


[ Push ] ERP Data